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11 August 2023

  • curprev 23:4923:49, 11 August 2023‎ MRPretzelBro Message Wall contribs‎ 12,435 bytes +12,435‎ Created page with "'''Darwin Raglan Caspian Ahab Poseidon Nicodemus Watterson III''' is the deuteragonist in ''The Amazing World of Gumball''. He used to be Gumball's pet goldfish, but one day, he grew legs and generally adapted to life outside of water, so he was adopted by the Watterson family. == Contents == * 1Appearance * 2Personality * 3Relationships * 4Gallery * 5Voice actors * 6Quotes * 7Trivia * 8References == Appearance == Darwin is an orange goldfish with arms and legs. His g..." Tag: Visual edit